I feel like I've made progress with my Dolphin Pose. The top photo is from May 2018 and the bottom is from this September 25. It still takes my breath away, but my core has gotten stronger. I fell right after I took the pic lol but I'm still proud of myself. I feel like I've made some progress with my Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) because I couldn't do it at all a few months ago. Now I'm just trying to transfer this same energy to other areas of my life. I began practicing because I wanted to be more flexible and I wanted to try something new. I had seen Jessamyn Stanley, a plus size yoga instructor, featured in an article online and I was so inspired. Not inspired enough to take action right away that day, but enough to continue following her on social media and YouTube. Eventually, I worked up the nerve to buy a yoga starter kit from Target and try one of the videos she has posted on YouTube. The firs...
Sharing what I know about health, fitness, and nutrition with a dash of tarot and meditation.