It isn’t easy to stay motivated doing anything, much less sticking
to a workout routine. In the spirit of keeping this short and simple today, I’ll
just say that in order to keep going you must be committed, not necessarily
motivated. Motivation is fleeting the same way that feelings of love and
infatuation are. It is the same as any other type of relationship. If you want
a really good relationship with another person, romantic or platonic, to last,
you’ll have to be willing to humble yourself at times and do things you don’t
necessarily want to do. You’ll have plenty of fun times, but there will also be
times when you simply don’t want to be bothered. It takes effective
communication. There’s some nurturing involved and ultimately you have to
decide if a relationship with the other person is really what you want. The
same applies to your health.
Effective communication with yourself could be journaling,
meditating, using a fitness or period tracking app—paying attention to yourself,
overall. Humble yourself to know that some exercises and eating habit changes are
not always going to agree with you or you with them. Most important is choosing
yourself. It is even easier to stay committed when you’re doing something you
enjoy or you’re with someone you enjoy.
Honestly, even though I love the feeling I have when I
finish an intense workout, I have a love/hate relationship with it, or at least
with certain modalities. Spin, for instance, is something I dread before I get
on the bike, talk trash about while I’m on the bike, but feel wonderful when the
workout is over. My bread and butter is yoga and pole/exotic dancing. However,
I need the cardio and muscle conditioning, so I lift weights and do pushups,
too. Health is what I want. Strength is what I want. Because I decided that I
want those things, especially since having those things make it even easier for
me to engage in the activities that I really enjoy, I engage in the activities
that aren’t necessarily at the top of my list of favorites.
At the end of the day, I just want to feel accomplished.
Doing squats today makes me feel strong. Doing the camel pose in yoga or a
roundabout on the pole makes me feel graceful, flexible, and capable. What have
you committed yourself to?
(Working on my roundabouts)
(Camel Pose)
(Pin for later!)
Great post! Feeling accomplished is so motivating!
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted to try pole, it looks like such a good way to build strength. However, I cant even do a pull up so that's my goal for this year as well as the splits!
ReplyDeleteI never thought about journaling about my workouts. Awesome idea!