We all have our reasons for why we may fall off the exercise wagon. My reasons were the Covid-19 quarantine, a job as an over-the-road expediter, and most recently, taking a month to help care for my uncle who was battling cancer. Long story short, my yoga mat has been missing me, the weight has piled on, and now I have lower back pain.
The past year and a half has taken as much of an emotional toll on me as it has a physical toll. It has been killing me mentally to not be able to go to the dance studio as I was once able to because of everything that has gone on in my life. Although the job I had brought in a nice salary, it left absolutely no time for anything else, not even the ability to be a present parent. Now that most of the dust has settled, I am going to pick up where I left off in reclaiming my body and treating it well.
I started by going back to the basics: a brief yoga video on YouTube that is led by yoga instructor Jessamyn Stanley. When I first saw her I immediately gained so much more confidence in my ability to practice the physical part of yoga because she has a larger body like mine.
I had lost a significant amount of weight, but now that I have gained it back and some, I am having to become reacquainted with my body and its ability to move. I have the gift of muscle memory but those muscles have to work harder now that there is more weight to carry. Lifting my legs isn’t as easy as it used to be. Kneeling is more painful now than it was when I was fifty pounds lighter. It sucks but it is necessary to start somewhere.
I watched my mother’s health deteriorate until she passed away from heart failure, diabetes, and a number of other health concerns. I watched my uncle take his last breath after being diagnosed with cancer only a week and a half earlier. Both of them may possibly be alive today had they taken better care of themselves. It is true that we all will pass away eventually, but I would prefer to avoid suffering in sickness if I can. I am grateful that I am in a position financially and mentally to be able to put more focus on my health.
If you are reading this, take care of yourself. Get your annual checkups if you can afford it, drink plenty of water, stretch, take walks, and eat some vegetables. Good health does not have to be complicated. Your future self will thank you.
A good way to get started with your yoga practice is to start simple. There are plenty of free videos on YouTube and the video below is one of my favorites.
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