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Dollar Tree B.Pure Vulva Cream Review

  I was browsing my local Dollar Tree after I had already picked up what was on my very short list. I like to see what's available and then try to resist the urge to buy it. Since Dollar Tree increased their prices from $1 to $1.25, the overall quality of the products they carry has seemed to improve. I'm still hoping they go back to $1, though. I saw this B.pure Calming Vulva Cream in the store and it piqued my interest. (This review IS NOT sponsored.) Back Story You can skip ahead if you want to get straight to the review. I wanted to share a little back story in case it helps anybody in any way, even if it is to only bring some level of comfort to the person who thinks it is weird or shameful to occasionally itch in private places.  Moment of transparency: sometimes my vulva itches. Last I checked, I don’t have any STDs or STIs. I take a probiotic daily and drink lots of water. I’ve never experienced itching or supersensitivity on my vulva before no matter what type of fabr...
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